Water – the essence of life

Water can hold information

Water is the foundation of life on earth. Your dog\’s bodies are around 70% water by weight. In fact, it has been said that all forms of life on this planet are simply mechanisms to allow the ocean to come out onto dry land! Water also has intelligence- it holds and stores information- this is why remedies such as flower essences (e.g. Bach Flower, Australian Bush Flower etc.) can be so helpful in helping heal our animals.

Homoeopathy is another \’energy medicine\’ – the remedied have been diluted and succussed many times, yet no physical trace of the original substance can remain. But the information, the resonance is patterned into the water. The remedy affects the animal, shifting their energy system towards greater health (if the homoeopath is skilled enough to select the right remedy).

Water is affected by the physical environments and by the emotional environments which it is exposed to. Water is very sensitive, and small changes in the quality of water you give your pets can have a profound impact.

Another scientist who has shown how energy can affect the physical expression of water is Dr Emoto. He freezes water, then photographs the crystals. Water that is physically polluted or exposed to violent thoughts make no coherent patterns – the ice has no form, it is ugly. Words exposed to uplifting energies like compassion make beautiful, regular, geometric crystals.

Here are two images – the first one is of water from a dam in Japan, the second is water collected from the same dam a short while later, after a Buddhist monk offered a prayer to the water.




A very profound difference! I wanted to share these so you can see how consciousness affects the water you give to your animals (and to yourself). Anyone can offer a prayer to their water. It makes a very tangible difference.

Water quality has more to it than you might know

Much of the Western world has clean drinking water- it\’s free from bugs and bacteria that can make you sick. It\’s been treated with chlorine to kill the bacteria etc. However, it\’s energetically dead.

You see, freshwater flowing out in nature is energised by the action of the water flowing. At every obstacle – every rock, every bend in the creek or river, vortices are created. The spinning spiralling motion of the water brings it to life. The sun shining into the water also energises the water on a subtle level.

Water that has been stored in tanks and pumped through pipes doesn\’t have this – it is effectively dead – especially when you include the poisoning of the water by chlorine and other chemicals to make it sterile. And this is important to stop people from getting sick. Typhoid, cholera, gut bugs and a whole lot of parasites etc. live in water and can cause a lot of harm.

There is a significant amount of chlorine in tap water. Enough to cause harm to the gut flora, and also to affect anyone bathing in it mildly. But every day, it\’s just another drag on good health that isn\’t needed. Flouride is probably also unnecessary, too. But we can\’t avoid the need to have sterile (and unfortunately also dead) water for public health. And there is often a significant amount of sediment/muck in the water too – when I changed my water filter I was shocked at how yucky it was, even in Melbourne!

How to bring your water back to life!

There are a few things you can do that will make a BIG difference to the water quality for your pets. In nature, they would go out and find the freshest, most vital water around, and enjoy it. In our civilisation, they only get what you give them.

What to do:

  • If you can\’t afford a water filter, at least let your pet\’s water sit for a few hours before giving it to them, so the chlorine can outgas.
  • Invest in a water filter – you can get a benchtop one that simply hooks onto your existing tap as a more affordable solution (also great for rentals) – these will remove the chlorine at least. And this will make a big difference. If you want to go the whole hog, an under-sink or even a whole house water filter system then means that all bathing water is chlorine-free and much better for your health too.
  • Invest in a water energising device – these are special things you pass the water through (I have one in line just after my whole house filter system) which bring the water back to life by using magnets or creating vortices in the water flow (mimicking what happens in natural water flow). Some of these devices \’structure\’ the water. All water in fresh veggies is structured water, which is why veggie/fruit juices can be so good for health (yes, for your dogs too).

Some say you only need a device to energise or structure your water – I strongly recommend a filter + these devices!

  • Consider getting big bottles of local, high-quality spring water that has been only filtered (not chemically treated) for your pets drinking water. The plastic in those big bottles that fit onto water dispensers is way less toxic than the smaller plastic bottles you buy water in from shops. Then you really get only water, with no fluoride (filters can\’t easily remove that).
  • Don\’t use plastic water bowls at all – use stainless steel instead.
  • Bless your dog\’s water (yes, this makes a real difference).
  • If your dogs don\’t like to drink much – add high-quality water to their meals, or supplement with bone broths.

This may seem like a simple thing to change, but it can have a huge positive effect, especially over a lifetime! I encourage you to level up your pets\’ (and your) water quality. Bring your water to life!

See my Facebook Live video on this topic here.


https://www.mywaterfilter.com.au/whole-house-water-filters/ (I have this one and can vouch for it!)



Another energiser system




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